Fresh Meat Graduation

Fresh Meat Graduation


Lunachicks move into Psych Warden status.

Lunachicks Head to Warden Status

It seems like only yesterday the Orlando Psycho City Derby Girls were making the rounds at various Central Florida locations to recruit the newest class of Lunachicks. Lunachicks are Orlando’s fresh meat that go through a 3 month recruitment program that teaches all the skills to meet the minimum skills required for skaters in leagues under the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) rules set.

11899850_909417702439877_1302591660534813697_nRequirements to become a full-fledged league member include  early Sunday morning practices, lending a hand at all OPCDG bouts, attending OPCDG affiliated events, and taking a two-part test. After the information night, Lunas, as the league calls them, enter a three-month period of learning all of the skills to prepare them to move into Psych Warden status. Once in Psych Warden status, these ladies are integrated into the scrimmaging phase of roller derby.

11111169_10153975526450110_8487625917682663388_n With over 30 new recruits starting the recruitment phase, our  league saw the highest number of new recruits move into Psych  Wardens. Twenty Lunas graduated to the next stage in their roller  derby careers on Wednesday September 2nd, 2015. These ladies  will begin practicing their scrimmage skills in small groups and  eventually rotate amongst the three Orlando Psycho City Derby Girls  home teams. The Psycho Sisters proudly congratulate every new Psych Warden and are excited to see what the future holds for these fierce contenders!

What’s in a Name

So, you decided you want to be a derby warrior: CONGRATS! You’ve just made one of the best decisions of your life.

Before you head over to an internet name generator (BOOOOORING!), remember that roller derby is an experience that changes your life forever. While you may have your name picked out before you start your first practice, think of your derby name as a tattoo. It’s going to stick around for a long time and changing it may not be as easy as it seems (you’re putting this moniker on legal documents, scrimmage shirts, helmets, jerseys, etcetera).

During the three months of recruitment, our Psych Wardens kept their lips sealed on what they would want to be called after testing. Their names were revealed when they moved into Psych Warden status. This class of Psych Wardens did not disappoint with their tributes to home states, literary characters, and entertainment industry personas.

Check out some of our top 5 picks from this class:

Rory Killmore

Miley Virus

Tikila Blockingbird

Nola Stomp

Shirley Temple of Doom


Tikila Blockingbird/ Honey Badger:


Swampher Stomp’her/Kittie Claws:

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Cherry Chernobyl/ Luna Shovegood:


Sicilian Silence’her/ Mykillangelo:


Nola Stomp/ Madame Deadite:


Miley Virus/Koo Velvet:


Junie B. Bones/ Shred Bundy:


Sickmind Freud/Little Hitaly:


Shirley Temple of Doom/Missy Misdemeanor:


The Artful Dodger/Foxy Bloxy:

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For more tips about choosing a derby name, check out SVRG’s Ultimate Guide to Choosing Your Derby Name.

Bounty KillHer/Hart of War:


Rory Killmore/ Hickey Ricardo:

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Rowdy Red Rousey/ Amina Acid:

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Ex Machina/ Bowtie Bruiser :


Tiny Dancer/ Hillbilly Hoot’n Annie:


Myth Domination/ Sergeant Slaughter : 


Veruk Assault/ Block Dahlia :


SlayAnne/ Shod N.Froyda:


Acu punch her/ Wrecks Manning :


Maven McFly/ OMG Bekhi:



Be Your Own Hero

Lunachicks gear up for their first night of recruitment.

Curious about what it takes to be a roller derby hero?

Throw those excuses out and join us at one of our recruitment information sessions to pique your interest.

Our recruitment coach, Awol, has an incredibly effective and well-laid out plan to prepare you for Psych Warden status.

For information about OPCDG’s next recruitment information session, email [email protected]

Contributing Writer: Luna Shovegood 


Psycho Sisters