Hickey Ricardo

Hickey Ricardo

That's no bruise, that's a Hickey Ricardo

Pronouns: She/Her




Officials - Non-Skating Official

In what year did you start playing roller derby?


Is there a story behind your name?

‘I Love Lucy’ is one of my favorite shows, and I stan Lucille Ball. Lucy and Ricky always reminded me of my parents, so Ricky Ricardo kept popping in my head when deciding on derby names. I knew I wanted something funny, so Hickey Ricardo was born.

Did you have any previous athletic or skating background before starting roller derby?

Derby was my first sport, I was actually a dancer most of my life from age three to eighteen. I also spent a lot of time in music lessons and at choir performances, so definitely not athletic :).

Tell us about your gear!

I have learned that my helmet visor is vital as, apparently I am at the perfect height to get my face and more specifically my nose, just hammered repeatedly by other players’ helmets.

We all end up in the penalty box at some point. Which penalty is your favorite and why?

If you ask the referees, they’d tell you my favorite penalty is ‘forearm’!

What’s your favorite Orlando theme park ride?

That’s a tough question! I’d have to say Rise of the Resistance at Galaxy’s Edge, though.

What’s your favorite Orlando activity that isn’t a theme park?

Watching spooky movies (or any movies) at the Enzian.

Everyone loves restaurant recommendations. Which Orlando area restaurant would you tell people to check out?

Domu or Susuru

Into which Hogwarts house would you be sorted?
