Hit’N’Run Sann-tastically

Hit’N’Run Sann-tastically

I am not just cute, I am a Roller Derby Superstar. Watch me shine!

Pronouns: She/Her


In what year did you start playing roller derby?


Is there a story behind your name?

Hit’N’Run: it’s basically what we do on the track. Sann-tastically: wanted to come up with something that rhymes with my name, and just ‘cause I am fantastic

Did you have any previous athletic or skating background before starting roller derby?

I love being active! I have always been sporty in general. But no skating experience whatsoever.

Tell us about your gear!

I love my triple eight helmet.

We all end up in the penalty box at some point. Which penalty is your favorite and why?

Not a favorite, but I get called for track cuts. Always rushing to get back on the track, I guess!

What’s your favorite Orlando activity that isn’t a theme park?

Trying out new restaurants. It’s always exciting!

Everyone loves restaurant recommendations. Which Orlando area restaurant would you tell people to check out?

There’s way too many to choose from.( I am a foodie) as a Caribbean girl I have to tell people to check out Kalalou signature, it’s one of the best Haitian restaurants.